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What kinds of “injuries” does personal injury law include?

Personal injury law can apply to any injury that one person or entity causes another person, so long as that injury was caused by intentional, negligent, or reckless behavior, or by an action covered by strict liability. Some common causes of personal injury that can give you a right to recover damages include:

  • Auto accidents
  • Slip/Trip& Fall (liquids, snow and ice)
  • Slip/Trip & Fall (unsafe conditions on property) other than liquids, snow and ice
  • Premises Liability
  • Construction Site Accidents—Negligence, New York Labor Law 240 and 241
  • Dram Shop (Alcohol) Liability
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Product Liability
  • Police Misconduct
  • Wrongful Death
  • Battery
  • Assault
  • Infliction of Emotional Distress
  • False Accusations—Defamation of Character by Libel or Slander

Personal injury law covers any situation in which the following occurs:

  • Physical, Mental or Reputational Injury: A person is injured physically, mentally, and/or in his or her reputation;
  • Wrongfully Caused: The injury is caused wrongfully, in the eyes of the law, by another person or by an entity (such as a corporation or municipality).When you are injured, the law asks whether the person who injured you was responsible to take care that you did not get injured. There are different levels of wrongful conduct that lead to liability depending on the circumstances:
  • Everyday Situations—Negligence: The law usually asks, “Was the person who injured you “negligent” in causing your injury?” Negligence is another way of saying “careless,” or lacking in the use of ordinary care or consideration.
  • Special Situations—Recklessness: In certain cases, those involving injuries caused by police and firefighters driving to or arriving at emergency situations, the law may ask if the officer acted “recklessly” in causing injury—that is, did they act in utter disregard to your safety?
  • Intentional Injurious Acts: There are also intentional acts (like if someone punches you on purpose and without justification, breaking your nose) where the intent combined with injury will allow recovery.
  • Defective Products—Strict Liability: Finally, there are injuries involving dangerous products or products manufactured improperly or that are defective—in such cases, the law doesn’t look for wrongful behavior, but rather presumes responsibility by the fact a person was injured using the product (also known as “strict liability”).
  • Compensable Damage: A person will not be able to recover (much less find a lawyer to represent him) for a cut on the finger or other negligible injury:
    • Example: You are crossing the street with a “walk” sign. A car goes through the red light, causing you to dive to the ground to avoid being hit. If you get up with a minor scrape on your hand, and walk away without further symptoms, there is an injury caused by negligent driving, but you will likely not be able to recover, despite the actions of the driver.

When each of these factors is present, an injured person may be able to recover a dollar amount for all damage suffered (medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering) by suing the person or entity that wrongfully caused the damage.

7 Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or someone you are close to has ever been hit by a car, you know how disoriented one can become when it happens to them. If you’ve been hurt or injured by the negligence of another person, company, or driver; it is possible to seek compensation for your medical bills and other related expenses. You don’t have to call a personal injury lawyer after car accidents, but these are some reasons why you should.

They Are Professional and Objective

Car accidents and personal injuries cause a lot of pain and emotional upheaval. This trauma may make it difficult to make objective decisions as far as your accident/injury is concerned. A personal injury attorney will file personal injury claims on your behalf. They will also help bring knowledge, skill, and experience into your case; and this will help you get the settlement you deserve.

They Know How to Negotiate

After an accident has occurred, and personal injury claims have been filed, the offending party’s insurance representative handles these cases daily and can be very persuasive when it comes to bargaining for lower compensation. Negotiating with insurance companies can be very challenging and they have techniques on persuading you to accept their first offer. This is why you need an experienced lawyer to help you through this period. Hiring a personal injury lawyer after you’ve been injured often leads to heftier compensation.

They Can Help You Get Medical Attention

Putting your personal injury attorney’s name as one of your emergency contacts will ensure that they are one of the first ones to be called when something happens to you. If they get this call early enough, they may be able to help you get treatment. The quality of treatment you receive at this point speaks to whether you will have a speedy recovery or not. If your attorney is familiar with medical malpractice and personal injury, they can also ensure that you are receiving proper care. While you are recuperating, your injury lawyer could be filing personal injury claims against whoever ran you over or is at fault for the injuries you suffered.

They Help You Make Better Decisions

If you aren’t a lawyer, filing a personal injury claim may seem like a long and complicated legal process. Sometimes, the offending party owns up to their mistake and is willing to compensate you. In such cases, if the compensation amount is adequate for your injuries, it would be unnecessary to take court action. A qualified personal injury lawyer will analyze your unique situation and inform you of the options that are available to you. They can also provide counsel on the best route of action, depending on the severity of your situation.

They Can Provide You With Legal Coverage

Often, the offending parties contest personal injury claims, and this prompts you to take court action. The other party will have a lawyer, and you not having one will probably turn the odds against you. Having the support of a personal injury lawyer will help level the playing field. An experienced lawyer will give you adequate legal representation after car accidents. They will gather all the evidence you need to win your court case.

They Can Help You Get Faster Compensation

If you don’t have a lawyer, you will have to wait until you have recovered sufficiently before going to seek compensation. This implies that it will take you much longer to get your settlement. You should call a personal injury lawyer immediately after your accident. This way, they can file personal injury claims on your behalf while you are recuperating. A qualified personal injury lawyer has vast experience with similar cases to yours and the legalities involved with those cases, hence they can side-step all setbacks and help you get compensated as fast as possible.

They Give You Peace of Mind

Sometimes, accidents may result in fatalities. Other times, they may cause post-traumatic stress and intense emotional trauma. Following up on personal injury claims at such a time may be very stressful. You should hire a personal injury lawyer after you’ve been injured. Experienced lawyers will handle all the complicated aspects of your claim, giving you the peace of mind you need to put all your focus on getting better.

Final Words

Accidents are a side effect of life. They happen. If you are injured in a car accident, or if you are injured due to the negligence of someone else, you should promptly seek legal help for compensation. Unfortunately; you can’t rely on other’s driving as attentively or as carefully as you are. Road accidents have led to the death of around 40,100 people in 2017. This blog is not to be construed as legal advice and is for general use only. You should always seek advice from an attorney for legal matters.

11 Skills Criminal Lawyers Use Everyday


Criminal lawyers have the ability to think quickly on their feet. This allows them to present information in a clear and concise manner while also being able to adapt easily when something unexpected happens, and make quick decisions about what they need to do next.

Resourcefulness and Information Gathering

Being resourceful and having the ability to gather effective and relevant information is of the utmost importance as a criminal lawyer. Having the skill of scanning a plethora of documentation, physical evidence and records (as well as reference other useful materials from outside sources if needed) in order to build a criminal case is a feat all on its own.

An Ability to Think Critically

Criminal lawyers have the ability to identify what is important within a criminal case even if it’s not obvious or clear at first glance. The best criminal lawyers can take seemingly small details of a criminal case and link them together so they can better understand how it all fits in with other pieces of evidence.

Being able to think critically about criminal cases means you must pay attention to every detail given by witnesses during trial proceedings, which will help you piece together the bigger picture later on.

High Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

During criminal trial proceedings, criminal lawyers must be able to listen well and understand what other people are saying while also being empathetic towards others so they can put themselves in their shoes. Being empathic means you have an understanding of how someone else may feel under certain circumstances rather than just considering yourself without empathy at all.

A skill like this may be considered sneaky, however, it allows a criminal lawyer to read people’s actions to build a solid defence for their client. Being empathetic in this way can also be brought into daily life as being there for someone who needs support will require an individual who can be empathetic towards their struggle.

The Ability to Give and Receive Feedback

Criminal lawyer’s role within criminal trials involves learning and growing as both people and professionals on top of not losing morale after making difficult decisions that affect outcomes in different types of criminal cases. Having the ability to take criticism, whether it is positive or negative, will allow a lawyer to learn from their mistakes and make more informed decisions in the future.

In saying this, personal coping skills for when things don’t go according to plan are also beneficial for criminal lawyers. Being able to stay cool when things don’t go your way is something that many seasoned lawyers still struggle with.

Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is a required skill for criminal lawyers. Knowing how to negotiate with clients, opposing counsel and judge’s during criminal trials are all necessary skills that allow criminal lawyers to get what they want.

Having great negotiation skills in daily life could mean the difference between getting a speeding ticket, haggling for a refrigerator or even getting a cat out of a tree. It’s an important skill to build upon regardless of profession.

Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are invaluable for criminal lawyers as it allows them to be able to stand out professionally in criminal law. Being a leader means that you are responsible for guiding other people at times, which is an important skill within the criminal justice system.

Leadership skills can be applied to criminal lawyers in different ways. You could lead a team of criminal law professionals within a firm, give presentations at conferences, seminars and other networking opportunities that arise from time to time. It is the ability to take responsibility in times of both success and hardship.

Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking outside the box allows criminal lawyers to come up with creative ways to defend their clients when it feels like all hope is lost. Criminal law cases are complex and need criminal lawyers that have a sense of creativity about them in order to solve problems quickly which could save time, money or even outcome in court proceedings.

Creativity comes into criminal law in different ways and criminal lawyers use their creativity day to day by being innovative with the evidence they have been given, whether it be from witnesses or forensic investigators.

Working Under Pressure

Criminal law is a field of work that must be able to handle pressure as criminal case proceedings can become quite intense at times.  Criminal lawyers have to not only think quickly but also work under pressure at times while making sure that they are acting within the criminal law framework.

Having a clear mind and being able to take decisions in a split second is important when representing someone who may be going through criminal proceedings whether it’s part of their job or just for fun.

Good Communication Skills

Good communication skills are important for criminal lawyers because it allows them to convey information in the most effective way possible. Criminal law is a field of work that requires criminal lawyers, whether they be defence or prosecution counsels, to have good communication skills while being able to understand what’s going on around them and communicate that with their team members.

Having a clear understanding of what you’re saying, as well as knowing how someone else may interpret your words based on who they are, can help criminal lawyers clarify certain points within court proceedings. These interpretations could make all the difference when trying to get someone off from charges brought against them according to criminal laws.


Criminal law can be a tough field of work, but criminal lawyers must have the perseverance to push through and do what’s necessary for their client. Criminal law as a profession is not for everyone and criminal lawyers mustn’t lose sight of what they’re fighting for.

Having perseverance in criminal proceedings can mean that criminal lawyers are able to negotiate better with other parties involved, remain confident under pressure or just be incredibly determined about achieving a good outcome for their client.

Personal Injury Attorney Vs. Criminal Defense Lawyer: What’s the Difference?

Personal Injury Attorneys and Criminal Defense Lawyers both help people in need

Personal Injury Attorney Vs. Criminal Defense Lawyer: What’s the Difference?

Among the thousands of legal subspecialties, personal injury and criminal defense lawyers are the most sought-after legal practitioners in the United States. However, what is the difference between the two?

Personal injury attorneys are the ones who handle cases under the personal injury law, such as incidents involving slip and fall, defective products, medical malpractice, vehicular accidents, and wrongful deaths. In contrast, defense attorneys are usually generalists. Most of them take any criminal court case, while others have focused on their specializations.

Although each has a different scope in the legal industry, it is necessary to know their differences and what they can specifically do for you. Who knows, either of them might be of great help for you soon.

Personal Injury Attorneys

A personal injury attorney represents a claimant (the person who claims compensation for injuries or losses from an accident caused by someone else) in court. The primary responsibility of a personal injury attorney is to help claimants exercise their right to fair compensation.

To seek the best settlement for the claimants, a personal injury attorney must prove that a defendant was neglectful or made voluntary decisions that resulted in the claimant’s injury and losses. You can click here to know how these lawyers work to help their clients get the compensation they deserve.

The specifics of how a personal injury lawyer or premises liability lawyer proves it mainly depend on three factors: (1) specialty area, (2) details of every case, and (3)  specific stage of the case that is being worked on.

Despite the variations, there are seven similar methods that most personal injury lawyers do in all or most cases, as follows:

  1. Investigate Claims
  2. Gather Evidence (This includes procuring the police report and the incident, tracking down witnesses and requesting relevant documents from the claimant.)
  3. Contact and Negotiate with Insurance Companies
  4. Send Demand Letters to the Insurance company
  5. Draw up Pleadings (This usually happens when an insurance company refuses to offer a just settlement.)
  6. Conduct Discovery (This usually involves sending interrogatories to the opposing party.)
  7. Representation in Court (This occurs if a settlement cannot be negotiated between an involved insurance company and the claimant.)

Apart from negotiating with insurers, a personal injury lawyer deals with commercial companies, too. For example, in San Diego, California, a trucking company denied legal liability to its driver’s negligence, primarily because the at-fault driver is an independent contractor. It was a hard case, with a great deal of money at stake. The at-fault driver had to seek legal help from a San Diego truck accident lawyer. Otherwise, he could solely shoulder all expenses.

Another example is the recent lawsuit against the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), which allowed poultry companies to increase line speeds amid COVID-19. This has allegedly endangered several employees at chicken processing plants in six states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Missouri. Although the lawsuit is still pending in federal court, it calls for both workers’ compensation and personal injury claims.

Moreover, claims that are not dealt with a personal injury lawyer are typically settled for a lower amount. On the contrary, if a personal injury lawyer advocates a claimant’s case, they will ensure to get the maximum amount of compensation available from an insurance company.

What’s more, Personal Injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, which means they are unpaid unless the case is settled. Their payment also depends on the settled amount of compensation. That is to say, the higher the compensation a claimant will receive, the better the service they will receive. For this reason, they will more likely investigate a case closely before giving it a go.

Criminal Defense Lawyers

A criminal defense lawyer is also called a “defense lawyer” or  a “criminal lawyer.” They mainly defend a defendant (the person accused of or charged with a crime) from the charges they face and protect their constitutional rights. One of these rights is to deny any unreasonable searches, regardless of whether they are innocent or guilty.

To successfully win the case, a defense lawyer has to hold a proper investigation and prepare a defendant for trial. Should a case go to trial, defense lawyers may have to go back in forth the court before and during a legal proceeding. Here is a quick summary of what they do:

  1. Investigate the Client’s Case
  2. Trial Preparation
  3. Jury Selection
  4. Representation in Court
  5. Sentencing Hearing

Seek legal help from a defense lawyer whenever you are accused of or charged with a criminal offense, regardless of how minor or major it is. Misdemeanors and felonies alike may still result in lengthy prison sentences or exorbitant fines. You can hire your chosen defense lawyer or trust the court-appointed lawyer to plead your case.

More importantly, you may want to ask for a defense lawyer during police interrogations. Having been called in “just to talk” by the police means they will look for potentially incriminating evidence. Whatever you say, no matter how modest or factual it may be, can be used against you. This is why you need a defense lawyer to defend you.


Legal matters may take place both in unexpected and expected situations. The worst scenario is when you are involved in a case, and yet you are unsure of your rights. But fret not. This is when lawyers come into play.

Why You Should Always Have a Lawyer You Can Contact

Many people feel that having a lawyer is a sign that someone is either looking for trouble or doing something risky that might make them have legal problems. While having private contact with your doctor or a veterinarian for your pet is considered beneficial, having a personal lawyer on call is somehow always linked to some trouble. It’s not usual to have an attorney you can call when needed without searching for one. Instead, people often “get an attorney” when things get rough. Even if there isn’t an urgent need for a legal representative daily, there are still numerous reasons why it is a great idea to keep a good relationship with one. Here are the reasons why.

Lawyers prevent problems

It is common to think of attorneys as people who legally fix problems. However, most of the work that they do is preventative. Attorneys have the proper knowledge and expertise to assist you with anything, including reviewing contracts, writing up agreements, filing paperwork. It doesn’t always have to be a case of an emergency when they step in. An attorney is there to represent their clients’ interests by keeping them out of legal trouble, and they know how to do it best. Even though you probably think you have everything under control, all the time until you don’t. That’s why you should always have a legal support on-call.

Why You Should Always Have a Lawyer You Can Contact

The other party probably has one.

If someone you’re negotiating or competing with has an attorney working with them, you might consider getting one for yourself, too. Otherwise, this may put you at a disadvantage. Having someone who understands legal documents and law by your side puts you on the same page as the other party. If it comes to any negotiation or dispute, it’s not in your best interest to be the only one in the room without someone representing you. The companies you’re working with have lawyers working for them, so, understandably, you should have one too.

You never know when You might need them.

You can never know when your next legal emergency is around the corner, and you might need a lawyer as soon as possible. You may get yourself in the situation to have a limited amount of time to respond. You will probably waste a lot of it trying to find a lawyer, and when you do find one, they’re going to spend a lot of time getting caught up on you and your history. An effective response generally means a better outcome and more money saved. The better relationship you have with your attorney, the easier it will be to help you.

It can save you from unnecessary costs.

Whether you’re going through a divorce, making a business deal, or preparing to face a judge in court after a car crash, one of the first questions you’re going to ask is how much will it cost you. Fees depend on the complexity of the case, and it is true that sometimes may get high. However,

not having a lawyer may cost you more than handling your legal matter without their help. Having a professional Harrisonburg car accident attorney, in a situation of an unfortunate car accident, is definitely worth your money with a usually very uncertain outcome.

Powerful networking

Every attorney operates in a massive network of many legal professionals from different specialties, officials in government, and other professionals of all types. One of the skills that makes a good lawyer a better one is their ability to contact the right people. Having a good lawyer means you will automatically get access to contact information for other professionals, informally and formally. Having a reliable person to direct you to the right people is always invaluable, and that’s something attorneys are great at.

They are not that expensive.

One of the biggest reasons people avoid talking with an attorney before it becomes necessary is their services’ potential price. While some lawyers charge different rates, and some can be very expensive, most are very fair. Moreover, you can probably find a competent attorney for a lower hourly rate than your doctor or a plumber. Most lawyers provide free consultations to talk with you about your situation and give some idea of how they can help and how much it will cost, so you don’t have to fear having to spend a fortune just by talking to them.

Hopefully, reading through this article will raise awareness of the benefits of having a good lawyer on call and get you to think about contacting one right away. When you find yourself in a situation, you need a lawyer; you’ll be glad to meet them on time.

5 Essential Tips On Your Path To Becoming A Lawyer

The road to becoming a lawyer is a long and difficult one, however, it is also an achievement that only the best talents can attain. The fact that you are even thinking about it shows that you have the determination and desire to succeed. Despite the difficulties, it is also a profession that will bring incredible job satisfaction and financial reward. If this sounds like your dream career path, here are five essential tips to reach your goals and become a lawyer.

1. Shine During High School

Excelling during high school not only can put you ahead of your competition when it comes to applying for colleges, but it also puts you in the correct frame of mind to pursue a career in law. You are going to have to work hard, so start working hard early. Get involved in extracurricular activities and take part in other activities that involve debating and meeting people as your personal skills will be key once you leave college.

2. Consider Participating In A Clerkship

A clerkship can give you the opportunity to work for a law firm over the summer or part-time. This will give you essential experience and law firms will look favourably upon this attribute on your résumé. There is also the possibility that the law firm that is providing you with the clerkship may take you on once you graduate from law school. If you are struggling financially and need extra funds to help you with living costs during an internship or clerkship, you can consider personal loans from private lenders. Doing so will keep you financially stable until you start to make money.

3. Get Involved In College

Like with high school, you should be getting involved as much as possible while at college. If there are positions of responsibility available you should be applying for them. Take extra classes if you need them and try to foster good relationships with your professors, as it will be them who are writing your reference for law school. If you can find work experience, this will help you even more as it shows your willingness to put yourself out there and start learning early.

4. Don’t Get In Trouble With The Law

It might seem obvious, but it is worth emphasising that you should not get in trouble with the law as it could prevent you from having a career in law. Bar Associations usually put candidates through a moral screening process and any involvement with the law will not look good. The number one rule of becoming a lawyer is to stay out of trouble.

5. Network

Your network can never be big enough, especially in an industry as competitive as law. Start networking early and never miss the opportunity to do so when you are at college or completing an internship or clerkship. The main importance of networking is your connections as they could provide you with opportunities that will completely change the course of your career. Networking works both ways and, to maintain your network, you will need to be prepared to help others when they are in need. A good network will also be able to provide you with advice and support during your journey.


Starting a small or solo firm has its perks — you get to practice law while also being the CEO. This means you can choose your clients, create your own business model, and potentially make more money. However, there are some matters you should consider before you take that plunge.

1. Is starting a law firm right for you?

Begin by asking yourself four critical questions:

  • Am I ready to run a business?
  • Do I have the resources to handle the firm’s business or do I need to hire help?
  • Who is my competition, and what can I offer that they can’t?
  • Do I consider my time working on the business as important as my billable work?

If your answer is yes to these four questions, you’re probably on the right track.

2. What type of law do you want to practice?

You have the opportunity to decide whether your firm will be general practice or more niche. For some attorneys, offering a wide variety of legal services is preferred. This can depend on your business model or the needs of the community where you will practice. For others, focusing on one of two practice areas may be ideal.

This decision is yours to make. It will allow you to confidently move forward to the next stage of planning.

3. How do you intend to attract clients?

Getting clients through your door can be a challenge. Attracting clients is both an art and science

Today, technology is your best bet. An integrated digital marketing strategy that utilizes an SEO-optimized website and social media can give you a competitive edge over more established competitors.

Additionally, networking is key to building a pre-launch clientele base. Attending local business and networking events can help build a potential referral network.

4. What is your plan, and who is on your team?

Having a J.D. often isn’t enough to run a law firm. You will need some entrepreneurial know-how as well. Like with any other business, your law firm needs to have a business plan, a budget, and an execution strategy.

Experience in business and project management is ideal whenever possible. That could be gained from previous work experience or coursework.

If you plan to hire others, ensuring you hire the right people at the start is critical to the success of your firm. Take the time to set up a hiring process at the outset to ensure this aspect of your legal business goes as smoothly as possible, now and in the future.

5. How much investment do you need?

Determining the amount of financial investment you need is dependent on several things. For example:

  • How much money do you have at hand?
  • Are you starting a new practice or buying an existing one?
  • How much do you need to cover cash flow as per your business plan?

Another important question to answer is whether you will have a physical office location, 100% remote, or a combination of the two.

With the help of technology, lawyers can practice from anywhere at any time. You can also start off with a serviced office which gives you more flexibility than signing an office lease.

Another option is to take the unique route of buying a practice. Many firms are owned by baby boomers without exit strategy or succession plans. This option comes with the added advantage of an established clientele, although the initial financial investment may be more.

Get help from the experts

Starting a law firm is complex, but FindLaw offers many resources and services that can help your firm every step of the way.

Can You Trust Your Law Firm?

On February 6, Boston University law professor Susan Koniak put a pointed question before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee: What were Arthur Andersen’s lawyers doing while Andersen’s accountants and staff were shredding Enron documents? Koniak, who has written extensively on the law governing lawyers’ conduct, put a spotlight on the relationship between companies and their legal counsel—and the potential dangers in that relationship. In a conversation with HBR’s Bronwyn Fryer, edited here for clarity, Koniak urges executives to manage their lawyers with care.


Most executives aren’t trained in the law. So how can they know whether their legal counsel is giving them good advice?

It doesn’t take legal expertise to direct one’s lawyers to act in accordance with the law and to spell out legal risks clearly. You’re not paying lawyers to be creative; you’re paying them to monitor what’s legal and what isn’t. Executives must not press lawyers to find and finesse every legal loophole. When a corporation retains a law firm, it should make clear, in writing, that the firm’s responsibility is to keep the company out of legal hot water. The company should request that all legal judgments be accompanied by a statement detailing the potential legal risks of pursuing the strategy the lawyers have okayed.

You need to know, in particular, just how legally vulnerable every transaction or plan you’re considering is. Whenever a lawyer says, “This is legally okay, in our opinion, but vulnerable on the following grounds” you need to get the reasons behind the lawyer’s thinking in writing. Lawyers may resist spelling out legal vulnerabilities on paper; in fact, they’ll probably warn you not to write bad stuff down. Don’t listen. Writing down explanations of legal vulnerabilities actually protects you. It shows that you and your board did not intend to break the law—that you carefully took into consideration the law’s demands before you acted.

It’s also important to get a second, independent legal opinion about legally risky moves. You always want to have a clear view of the worst-case scenario. Lawyers are trained to give all sides of an argument. You should take advantage of that training and get fully informed advice.

Finally, a CEO should demand to be informed immediately if the company lawyers suspect illegal activity on behalf of the corporation—or against it—by any member of management. And the CEO, in turn, must inform the board of any credible evidence of illegality that could harm the company. Every board should have a legal committee of independent directors empowered to receive such reports from management—or from the legal team directly if management refuses to investigate or stop the possible illegality.

But don’t you want your lawyers to be aggressive in helping you gain the greatest advantage within the bounds of the law?

Yes, but you should be wary of attempts to push those bounds. The great legal thinker and Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis once described how good lawyers find the safe course for their clients. He said that if you insist on walking alone along a precipice, you may stumble on a loose stone, slip, and go over. No lawyer can predict when disaster will occur—or protect you from it. But all competent lawyers can tell someone where she can walk safely, within view of the edge but not on it.

The only way for executives to know whether their lawyers are providing good advice is to demand an answer to the question, “Where is the precipice?” No executive should find out after the fact that she was walking on it and that her lawyers did not warn her. Likewise, no board of directors should be caught unaware that management and the company’s lawyers thought walking on the precipice was in the company’s interest. Long term, it never is.

A good lawyer will make the law clear to you. In cases of legal interpretation, executives should demand jargon-free explanations. If your lawyers have to resort to all kinds of technicalities to explain why something is legal or not, you need to get a second opinion or ditch the plan. Remember, if you are ever put before a jury of ordinary folks, the simple explanation is likely to reign.

What do you do if your lawyers themselves step over the precipice? Fire them?

Not only fire them, but sue them. It should go without saying, but the fact that lawyers know the law doesn’t mean they’re above the law. Executives must be prepared to sue their lawyers for malpractice if they receive inappropriate counsel. During the savings and loan crisis in the 1980s, the government became the trustee for the failed banks and recovered billions by suing for malpractice on behalf of the banks, which the government now ran. Your company hires lawyers to prevent legal nightmares. It should not take a legal beating and have its legal advisers get off scot-free.

Companies don’t sue, in part, because they fear that the lawyers will insist the law-breaking was management’s fault, not theirs. That’s why it’s all the more important that you get legal advice in writing, record any oral communications from your lawyers in contemporaneous private memos, demand in writing that your lawyers inform you of suspected illegality, take action to investigate and stop that illegality, and keep your board informed. If you don’t take those basic precautions, you’re asking for trouble.